Témiscamingue youth kick off the 2024 Raid International Témiscamingue!

Notre-Dame-du-Nord, September 6, 2024This morning marked the start of The Raid International Témiscamingue with the youth raid. Aged 13 to 17, over a hundred teens lined up at the star line ready to take the challenging first stage of this international competition. 

Emotions were running high. With just seconds to go before the start, the teens could hardly contain their excitement while the heart of the parents present overflowed with pride. Engaged in their role as mentors to the youth teams, the professional athletes provided invaluable advice and support. Drawing on their experience as athletes, along with their perseverance and determination, these mentors were able to pass on the energy and confidence needed to the next generation to tackle the roughly twenty-kilometer stretch.

When competition goes hand in hand with camaraderie

Smiles lit up the faces of the participants as they crossed under the finish arch. Shouts of victory and hugs demonstrated a spirit of genuine camaraderie that was already well-established among the young athletes and the professionals. The support and solidarity shown throughout the event forged unique bonds between the participants, who have now become peers.

Happy coincidence, the youth team wearing bib number one was the first to cross the finish line. Another coincidence, Benjamin and Loïc were accompanied by one of the pillars of the Youth Raid, Marc Gaudet, the general director of secondary schools in Notre-Dame-du-Nord and Lorrainville. For Marc, it’s a recurring story, as he was the mentor for the winning duos two years in a row.

The youth team “Les gagnants innés” had to show resourcefulness and teamwork. Surprised by a mechanical breakdown and forced to leave one of their three bikes in the forest, Jonathan Aumond, Michaël Pitre, and their guide, Tristan Zotier, took turns sharing their equipment until the end of the race.

“All teams completed the 20-km youth raid. Well done! Congratulations from the entire team at Raid International Témiscamingue. Despite the challenges they faced, these young people really pushed their limits. They are an inspiration for the entire community. Our young people in Témiscamingue can be very proud of themselves,” says Jean-Thomas Boily, co-founder and technical director of Endurance Aventure.

Support and encourage the full potential of our youth

Once again this year, the business community has been very generous. In total, nearly $12,000 has been distributed in gifts and scholarships to up-and-coming athletes and youth volunteers.

For the second year, Patrick Grégoire from the Team Les Bills of Sherbrooke was happy to donate a good quality bike to a young raider, valued at $750 : “Last year, I participated in the Youth Raid and discovered that many young participants were experiencing several of the sports for the first time, especially cycling. My idea is to make it easier for young beginners to access this sport and perhaps pass on the passion! Having quality equipment is also part of the winning conditions for enjoying a new sport. That’s why I proposed this initiative, hoping it will encourage many teams to do the same and, most importantly, that many young people will benefit from it!” Inspired by this gesture, Vélo Café in Magog donated two new bikes worth $995 each, as well as several other accessories and sports equipment.

In addition to promoting healthy lifestyle habits and fostering a culture of outdoor activity, the Raid also aims to encourage the inclusion of youth in all aspects of an international event, including television production, photography, animation, and security. “Regardless of physical condition or interests, everyone has a place in the Raid!”, says Chloé Beaulé-Poitras, coordinator of the Témiscamingue International Raid. For the second year, Kariane Lafleur volunteered as a youth participant. In addition to her role in animation, she also made several radio appearances. Here is what she takes away from her experience: “I wanted to do a good job and live up to this wonderful event. It was amazing to see all the racers arrive with a sense of accomplishment. I was happy to be part of this great adventure.”

For full results, visit the Raid International Témiscamingue Website or the Facebook and Instagram pages.

About the Raid International Témiscamingue  

The Raid International Témiscamingue is a spectacular race organized by the Société de développement du Témiscamingue, the Témiscamingue MRC, and Endurance Aventure. This endurance race consists of a series of challenges that include trekking, running, cycling, swimming, canoeing, and spectacular rope sections. The third edition takes place from September 5 to 8, 2024. During the event, around thirty teams from the region and around the world will compete on a 170 km course in the northern part of the Témiscamingue, between Rémigny and Saint-Bruno-de-Guigues. Approximately one hundred high school students participated in the youth segment today, a 20-kilometer raid that preceded the international race.

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Pour information

Diane Léger
Relations médias pour Endurance Aventure
514 893-0981 – media@enduranceaventure.com

Mylène Grenier
Relations médias pour Société de développement du Témiscamingue
819 629-3355, poste 108 – myleneg@lasdt.com

Pour entrevue

Chloé Beaulé-Poitras
Coordonnatrice du Raid Témiscamingue
Société de développement du Témiscamingue
819-629-3355 poste 111 – chloebp@lasdt.com

Jean-Thomas Boily
Cofondateur et directeur des opérations
Endurance Aventure
819 823-2607 – jtboily@enduranceaventure.com


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