Ville-Marie, April 16, 2024 – It was in front of a captive audience at the Rift cinema that organizers of the Témiscamingue International Raid premiered its show highlighting the second edition of this daring competition. Part of the prestigious Adventure Race World Series, athletes of the 2023 Raid covered over 170 km in the East of Témiscamingue, from the Long Point First Nation community to Laverlochère-Angliers, passing through Moffet, Latulipe, Fugèreville, and St-Eugène de Guigues.

Organized by the Société de développement du Témiscamingue, the MRC de Témiscamingue, and Endurance Aventure, this internationally significant event is powered by a 30-minute television production that will be broadcasted on sports channels, notably RDS and TSN, as well as across the globe (in 150 countries – translated into 16 languages). “The objective of this screening is to immerse viewers into the Témiscamingue International Raid from the inside out and, most importantly, to highlight the inspiring stories of the participants who come from all over the world to explore the beauty of this exceptional region that is Témiscamingue,” said Daniel Poirier, co-founder and director of television production for Endurance Aventure (Productions EA Inc.).

Elected officials, volunteers, financial partners, local athletes, and organizers were invited to this unveiling on the big screen. “Reliving these unique and fantastic moments, seeing the participants’ smiles, and being able to share through the magic of the camera this remarkable environment that is ours, with enthusiasts from all over the world… all of this creates an immense feeling of pride for our community. The Raid is and remains a wonderful open window from Témiscamingue to the world!” exclaimed Claire Bolduc, the prefect of the MRC de Témiscamingue.

The Témiscamingue International Raid benefits from a three-year financial assistance from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (DEC). “The Government of Canada is dedicated to the vitality of communities. That is why a contribution of $827,500 has been granted to the Société de développement du Témiscamingue for this adventure raid. Organizations like the Société de développement du Témiscamingue undertake initiatives that enhance their community, always for the benefit of the Canadian population. Like me, the Témiscamingue community can and should be proud of these highly positive outcomes for the region,” emphasized the Honorable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for DEC.

The event is also supported by the provincial government, particularly by the Ministry of Tourism and Tourisme Abitibi-Témiscamingue, as part of the regional partnership agreement and digital transformation in tourism.

An event that is gaining momentum

The Témiscamingue International Raid will continue its successful run in 2024 and has decided to increase the number of teams to meet the growing interest, thus raising the number from 25 to 30 duos. The MRC de Témiscamingue will take advantage of this exceptional showcase to shine internationally and position itself as a playground for adventure and nature enthusiasts. This year, athletes from Europe, South America, the United States, and Canada will participate in this daring competition, which will highlight the landscapes of the northern sector of Témiscamingue.

The Youth Raid, a vehicle for the development of outdoor culture

Once again, the excitement of the Youth Raid, aimed at young people aged 13 to 17, was felt during the school tour that took place last March. The number of registrations is on the rise, and the event’s popularity among young people is exceptionally high. In addition to promoting healthy lifestyles and the development of outdoor culture, this initiative aims to encourage youth involvement in all aspects of a major international event. Thus, young people will have the opportunity to join professional teams in television production, photography, animation, and security. The Youth Raid is fortunate to be supported by the provincial program Stratégie jeunesse en milieu municipal du Secrétariat à la jeunesse.  

About the Témiscamingue International Raid

The Témiscamingue International Raid is a spectacular race organized by the Société de développement du Témiscamingue, the MRC de Témiscamingue, and Endurance Aventure in collaboration with around fifty regional organizations. This endurance race consists of a series of challenges combining trekking, swimming, mountain biking, canoeing, and spectacular rope sections. The third edition of the race will take place from September 5th to 8th, 2024, during which 30 teams from the region and around the world will compete on a 170 km course in the northern sector of Témiscamingue, between Remigny and St-Bruno-de-Guigues. About a hundred high school students will participate in the youth component, a raid of around twenty kilometers, which will precede the international race.

The Témiscamingue International Raid in pictures and online.

Photo banks 2023:                    Jeunes photographes du CSSLT | Marco Bergeron (Endurance Aventure) | Wladimir Togumi (Adventure Mag) | Carrick Armer (Sleepmonsters)

Raid’s Web Platforms:               Site web | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

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For your information                                                          

Audrey Lemieux                                                           Mylène Grenier

Director of communications                                          Member of the organizing committee             

Endurance Aventure                                                     Témiscamingue Development Corporation

514 707-4107                                                                 819 629-3355, poste 108                      

Pour entrevue

Chloé Beaulé-Poitras                                                      Daniel Poirier

Coordinator of the Témiscamingue Raid                         Co-founder, Productions EA Inc.

Témiscamingue Development Corporation                     Endurance Aventure

819 629-3355, poste 111                                                  819 342-5220                                                  


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